El Día de las Velitas: A Bright Tradition in Colombia

Día de las Velitas (Candlelight day), celebrated every December 7, marks the official start of the Christmas season in Colombia. This day, full of light, devotion and family togetherness, has deep roots in the Catholic faith and is considered one of the most special times of the year for Colombians.…

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Honoring Medical Professionals Across the Americas

Every October 23rd, Mexico pays tribute to physicians, recognizing their invaluable work in society. This date is not only a reminder of their dedication and commitment, but also an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the medical profession in the country, its impact on public health and how the…

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On November 18, 2024, at the headquarters of the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles, an event presided by the Ambassador of Mexico to the United States, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, took place for the restitution of 79 archaeological pieces received anonymously, which are part of the national heritage.…

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September 27 – December 15: Prix Pictet: Human, The World’s Most Important Award Dedicated to Photography and Sustainability, Travels to San Diego

The San Diego Museum of Art is pleased to welcome Prix Pictet: Human, the latest exhibition of the world's foremost award dedicated to photography and sustainability, to the galleries of the Museum of Photographic Arts at the San Diego Museum of Art (MOPA@SDMA), the only U.S. stop on the international…

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