Ohtli is a Nahuatl word that means “camino” or path, therefore the Ohtli award is the Government of Mexico’s highest recognition to those that open and clear the way to Mexicans abroad, specifically in the United States.
La Revista Binacional had the honor to be invited by the Mexican Consulate in San Diego in acknowledging 2022 Ohtli Awardee Dr. Paul Ganster.

San Diego’s History Center at Balboa Park was the perfect venue to celebrate this amazing exemplary binational citizen.
Gilberto Luna Moisés, Deputy Consul General, gave all the attendees a warm welcome to this emotional ceremony.
Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego continued with the program by letting us know a little bit more about this extraordinary awardee, his background, and the true meaning of this high recognition from the government. With his warm and kind descriptive words, he made sure we understood we were honoring those who open paths.

Dr. Rafael Fernandez de Castro, director of the Center for US-Mexican Studies (USMEX) at UCSD acknowledged Dr. Ganster for all his binational study and dedication to this region in means of helping with environmental, political, and social issues with his experience.
The medal, rosette and diploma were bestowed to Dr. Paul Ganster by Ambassador Gutierrez Gonzalez followed by an applause and standing ovation in his honor.
Dr. Paul Ganster, Director of the Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias at SDSU and 2022 Ohtli Awardee spoke from the heart surrounded by family and friends in an emotional speech of gratitude and humbleness.

Mariachi, an amazing grazing table and appetizers along with spirit drinks to toast for this truly deserved awardee, Dr. Paul Ganster made the reception a perfect scenario.
Congratulations from everyone at La Revista Binacional!