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With the aim of positioning the CaliBaja region as a primary investment destination, Economic and Industrial Development of Tijuana (Deitac) inaugurated its “3rd. Borderless Business Congress”, which will culminate this Wednesday, November 9, where industry leaders and investors interested in the mega region have gathered.
During the opening ceremony, Mr. Carlos Jaramillo Silva, president of Deitac, highlighted that in this third edition of the congress there is the presence of world-renowned companies, in order to generate contacts and commercial ties.
“The objective of this congress is to send the message abroad to position our region of Baja California and southern California as a great destination for investment. We are a binational community that is here to serve investors who are interested in our Megaregion”, he noted.

The leader stressed that a program was prepared for this with more than 30 exhibitors who addressed topics such as Nearshoring, Mobility, Software and Information Technologies, Health Tourism, Food and Drink, among many others, through 14 conferences and panels. .
With the presence of around 350 attendees, the 3rd. Borderless Business Congress highlighted the areas of opportunity that the CaliBaja megaregion has, such as the post-Covid world, industry trends, and the industrial offer offered by Baja California and Southern California.
In this sense, Jaramillo Silva argued that one of the focuses of the event was to strengthen the supply chain, since “the maquiladora and export industry is vital for us; we are the state with the largest number of industrial operations in the country”.
The president of Deitac highlighted that according to data from the Ministry of Economy and ProBaja, during the first half of 2022 Tijuana received an investment of 1,220 million dollars, with the goal of closing the year with 2,000 million dollars.
“It is important to mention that 85% of the investments are expansions of already established companies. This shows that despite the challenges we continue to grow”, he stated.
The business leader stressed that one of the most important values of the CaliBaja region is the business ecosystem, where any entrepreneur has a directory of contacts and the necessary information for those who wish to establish operations in this region.
“We can talk about location and many other Baja California issues, but the most important value is this ecosystem. We have a very efficient way of operating, which is the result of 60 years of experience in the industry, thanks to our predecessors who undertook this work and today we give continuity to those fruits”, he concluded.