With more than 30 investments and record figures in the absorption of spaces for new operations, this is how the management of Lic. Carlos Jaramillo Silva, in charge of Economic and Industrial Development of Tijuana (Deitac), who rendered his activity report to the associates, will conclude.
The leader presented a recount of the actions and achievements that were obtained during the 2022 financial year, in which he highlighted the 22 investments that were managed to attract, which led to sustained growth in the industrial sector of Tijuana.

“Tijuana has had a year of a lot of industrial activity. We closed 22 operations plus the nine last year, with which, as a promotion body, we participated in attracting more than 30 investments”, he stated.
Said operations, the industrialist specified, fall into the main industrial sectors with the highest value, such as medical devices, aerospace, and electronics.
“This year we are reporting more than 2 billion dollars for Baja California, and significant growth in the industrial sector, where last year we had an absorption of 7.7 million square feet, and this year we expect to exceed 4 million square feet. ”, he highlighted.
Carlos Jaramillo affirmed that there is still interest in Tijuana as an investment pole, hence by 2023 there is already a portfolio of more than 100 projects.
“There are several milestones that I am proud of. There has never been a management with more investment closings, a record figure for the city, in addition to the fact that we had the two years with the greatest absorption of square feet, ”he commented.

Likewise, the leader mentioned, the promotion blocs ProBaja and the Northern Coalition with Chihuahua were consolidated, in addition to the creation of new promotion organizations in Sonora and Chihuahua.
Meanwhile, he said that as an organization it participated in 6 industrial exhibitions and national and international shows; in three commercial missions; 15 industry networking events; 110 investment seminars; 60 tours for investors; 3,835 contacts profiled and more than 200 qualified prospects.
“I conclude on December 31 with my management, and we give entry to the new board of directors that will be headed by Arch. Cristina Hermosillo,” he said.
Finally, Carlos Jaramillo explained that Deitac currently has 112 associates, where 89% of the budget is from the private initiative, and “we will continue working for the city, since we bring personal projects to continue promoting the development of Tijuana.”
By: Cuatro Comunicación