
It is not the same for some as for others

1 min read

Inequality in the way of making money.

By: Mauricio Uro

4.5 Billion dollars, trillions for Anglo-Saxons, are concentrated in just 700 families around the world. To put it in context, it is an amount similar to all the money that the United States Government collects each year.

Making money will always be easier for the people who have it because capital is a tool that facilitates productivity and when you concentrate large amounts of money, the game changes and becomes a task of allocation, not of operation. This means that your most profitable job is to search for and analyze projects that increase and diversify your flows or sources of income without having to work on them.

The most important value of money is not in the things it allows you to buy but in the time it frees you to reason your income, not operate or work your income.

When reasoning exceeds your need to operate, your ability to win multiplies exponentially, because it is your head that does the work, not your presence.

Going from a million to 10 million is admirable, from 10 to 100 million is respectable and from 100 to a billion is inevitable, but going from zero to a million dollars is momentous, it puts you at the beginning of the game of performance by reasoning.

What about you? Do you work with your time or with your reasoning?



“Effort beats talent.”


“Judge each day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”

-William Arthur Ward

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