
Thank you ENVIOS.com

1 min read

I live in the United States and in 2022 I traveled to Sonora to meet my childhood friends. We organized the trip to spend a few days in San Carlos, Sonora in the summer.

The majority of us live in the United States, so I thought was going to be complicated to send the money that each of us had for the house we rented, food, etc.

As everything was organized, the suggestion was made in our chats to send money from a US bank to a Mexican bank.

This is when I met ENVIOS.COM for the first time, an application that you can download on your phone and from bank to bank you can send money, without the need to go for cash, stand in long lines and without the need to pay high percentages for the transactions.

My friends from Texas, those from Arizona and others in California sent the total amount that was needed to set aside everything for our trip.

No hassle, no problems, from bank to bank.

I imagine that many people, like my friends and I, live in the United States and have the need to send money to family/businesses in Mexico (or in several other Latin American countries).

I recommend ENVIOS.com because it made our transaction a breez and for all that you save compared to other money transfer businesses, especially the time spent going around to find a place that handles money transfers.

ENVIOS is 100% guaranteed, the exchange rate is excellent and the most current, the program is easy to use and the online transfer is reflected in a few minutes.

If the person who is going to receive does not have a bank account, money can be sent to any self-service store that is part of the program.

I highly recommend this binational and multinational tool, which helps to ensure that nothing stops our day to day business in a fast paced world.

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