Within the framework of the National Women in Business Congress that took place in Tijuana, Dr. Mileidy Fernández Ribot, president of the Mexican Association of Women Business Leaders A.C., (AMMJE), Tijuana chapter, emphasized the importance of partnering with people to pursue similar goals in order to achieve success.
In an interview, the leader of the AMMJE Tijuana explained that this is an organization with a national presence, whose purpose is to promote the role of women within the productive sphere, hand in hand with other successful women who act as mentors.

“At AMMJE we believe in sorority, in supporting each other, since we believe that a leader should support other leaders, and where the objective is to encourage more women to develop their potential within the business world,” she noted.
Dr. Mileidy Fernández stressed that there are often cases of women who have good ideas, but do not carry them out out of fear or because they believe that it is not their right, precisely because they are women.
“It has a lot to do with culture, that in the case of Mexico, there is talk that the woman has to be at home, taking care of her family, fulfilling a role as a wife and as a mother, but we know that in reality the woman it can be in many areas and be excellent in other sectors”, he stated.
In this sense, the president of the AMMJE Tijuana highlighted the relevance of uniting with people who have common interests and who are an example, in order to generate a propositional synergy.
“They say that we are the average of the five people with whom we live the most, so I recommend that you join other women with whom to ally yourself, that you choose as mentors those women who have achieved goals and objectives, since that will help them take it to the next level,” he said.
Lastly, Fernández Ribot extended the invitation to women business leaders to join the AMMJE Tijuana, and thus become part of this national network of successful women from whom they can learn even more. For more information you can consult the Facebook page of AMMJE Tijuana representation.
By: Cuatro Comunicación