Last May 5th was the premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and as always, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give you our review.
First, after the disappointment of Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania and the past Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, we were not sure what to expect from this new movie. However, we are happy to report that Marvel finally got the redemption it needed.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a big-hearted emotional rollercoaster that delivers a series of devastating emotional sucker punches while keeping the personality of the previous films. And let us tell you, if you are an animal lover, then you might have to skip this movie, as the film delves into the terrible past of Rocket the Raccoon and touches on some very grim subjects like vivisection and eugenics (which is the is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding”).

No doubt Rocket is the main favorite of many Guardians of the Galaxy fans, and while we were finally given a glimpse into his past, sometimes it’s better not to know, as the truth can be disturbing (especially for a P-13 movie). However, despite having some heartbreaking scenes, there are also many, and we mean MANY funny moments. And as always, the iconic escape scenes of the Guardians and Drax’s brilliant humor could not be missed.
We must give credit to James Gunn, known for his ability to manage multiple projects and produce top-notch results. As well kudos to Will Poulter for his performance as Adam Warlock and Chukwudi Iwuji for giving us some of the best performances as the villainous “High Evolutionary.” We’ve always said that when you hate a movie’s villain so much, it’s because the actor did an excellent job, and Chukwudi delivered to perfection.

And the million-dollar question, are there post-credit? The answer is YES. So, we suggest you stay until the end.
In conclusion, this movie has it ALL. Melancholic moments, laughs, the best fight scenes, and an occasional F-bomb here and there (I would definitely not allow minors to see this movie). So, get ready to groove as always to the awesome soundtrack, join Star-Lord and the gang on a quest to save the galaxy once again, and brace yourselves for the snarky one-liners that will have you giggling like a toddler on a sugar high.
We are Groot.