By: Abraham Vargas
The life of each of us is so diverse and interesting that we can write a book. The question is how many people would be interested in reading your book and what would be the impact on their lives if they read it? What kind of book would be the result of putting a summary of your life on paper? A comedy, a drama, an action book, a motivational or horror book, etc.?
Very often when hearing my story people tell me that I should write a book; however, I am a bit incredulous when they tell me that my life is interesting enough for someone outside my family to be interested in reading it, and even more so for them to feel like I have brought them something of value after reading my story. In addition, I think I still have a long way to go to get to the point where I can feel like someone who has managed to be an example to other people in any form of success. There is no doubt that many times we are our worst critic!
However, here I am, writing, maybe not a book, but still writing, and I truly thank every reader who has come to this point and express my commitment to providing valuable content in exchange for your time.
This is the second episode of what, with the support of the reading public, I hope will be a great series!
In the first episode I talk about being a pioneer in a cause, and once you have chosen your cause, walk with faith in every footstep. I am a person who does not like to talk about things about which I know nothing or very little about the matter, and even more so if I have not shown in practice that I know what I am talking about.
I have decided to dedicate this series to a very particular group of pioneers who, through their courageous actions driven usually by desire and need to find something better, both for themselves and for their families, risk everything to provide that change that no one will provide them, not even that political campaign of “change” or “hope”! I clarify, I do not pretend for this to be a political space, guerrilla, extremist, or anything like that, but I say things as they are.
This special group of pioneers are immigrants who emigrate from their country of origin to any other country in search of the opportunity to be free, to progress, to expand, whether they did it regularly (legally) or irregularly (illegally), an event that occurs day by day throughout the world, from low-income countries to more advanced countries, and sometimes from more advanced countries to less developed countries as is the case of those who retire and their income is not enough to sustain an adequate standard of living in their country.

Returning to the subject, in this series of articles (hoping they are to your liking, to keep me motivated to keep writing) the focus is on the illegal immigrant in the United States of America (USA)
Simply in the USA it is estimated that by 2021 there were already approximately 11.46 million Illegals, equivalent to more or less 3% of the country’s total population. Among those millions of people (and we’re not counting those who once were but no longer are!) are millions of success stories in their very unique form, of battles won and lost, challenges, joys, and sorrows.
It is my goal to bring you through my series “Immigrant Success: The Saga of the Illegal” the best stories so that together with us you immerse yourself in the history of men and women who individually or with their families pushed themselves and as the band Molotov says in their song Frijolero: “they left everything they know behind, thinking about their family as they crosse . . . to start from scratch” Without knowing when, if at all, they will see them again. I have family and friends, for example, who have been unable to leave the USA for more than 20 years!
And as a tribute to this very special group of pioneers we are going to tell the story of many illegal immigrants who have achieved success in one way or another.
As I explained in the first episode of my series Immigrant Success – The Saga of the Illegal: E1. Pioneers – Dare to do it and go with Faith in every footstep, each person has their own definition of success, so no matter the area in which they achieved it, we’ll get to know of their reasons, obstacles, difficulties, sorrows and joys and everything they had to sacrifice and the times they had to fail to finally achieve their unique form of success!
And why do I do it? Because I’m part of that very special group of pioneers, and this is our story…
To be Continued…
Please allow me, before saying goodbye, to tell you about an experience I had recently: One of the things I do with my time is to produce videos for our YouTube channel VIPrealityTV, the release of each video is exciting for me, and despite having seen the same video a thousand times during the editing process, the live release to VIPrealityTV excites me, as I feel that I share a little of myself with our subscribers, always hoping to provide them with valuable information in a fun way in many areas of life.
Anyway, my family and I watch every video at the time of the live release, and the day we made public the video of the launch party of La Revista Binacional, my 2-year-old baby asked me to see it again and again, and if I changed it, he threw a tantrum! Then I said to the others: well, I think besides me I have another fan! And everyone started saying to me: I’m your fan too, I’ll subscribe to your channel when I have my YouTube account! (if you want to meet my little ones, I invite you to our channel VIPrealityTV and watch FlippingTJ)
Where am I going with this story?
As I said at the beginning of this article, you do not know who will be interested in reading your book, but just because you cannot think of a person who can be interested, that does not mean that in 100 years your story won’t be of value to someone, wouldn’t you like to know about your ancestors, their sorrows, joys, successes and failures, and the acts that led them to one day you be alive and be part of their legacy? That is why today I invite you to write your memoir, maybe you only have a very small group of followers, but over time your story will grow in value, and maybe as it happens to me when I read my own story and compare myself to myself from years ago, I can see my progress and I feel grateful to be where I am, and many times I congratulate myself, and that gives me strength, since most of the time I feel that I do not advance and that I am stagnant, but as I read my past, I see that I am again being my worst critic, so I keep writing to read myself in the future and remind me of what I have done and better yet, so that my biggest fans know what I went through for them!
Once I heard a phrase that said something like this: “make that your actions benefit your next 7 generations”, and if you succeed, let them know that you did it for them and what it took for you to do it, they will surely thank you!