The Penguin series, one of Max's most anticipated bets for 2024, expands the dark and raw universe of The Batman (2022), directed by Matt Reeves. This spin-off focuses on the rise to power of Oswald Cobblepot, known as The Penguin, again played by Colin Farrell.…
Penguin is all that and more! Last Sunday, November 10, we saw the long-awaited finale of the miniseries created by Lauren LeFranc and starring Colin Farrell, exclusive to the MAX platform.…
Read MoreThe Penguin series, one of Max's most anticipated bets for 2024, expands the dark and raw universe of The Batman (2022), directed by Matt Reeves. This spin-off focuses on the rise to power of Oswald Cobblepot, known as The Penguin, again played by Colin Farrell.…
Read MoreComic-Con International in San Diego is the ultimate celebration of pop culture, attracting fans of comics, movies, TV shows, and more. While scoring a badge can feel like winning the lottery, you don't need one to have a blast.…
Read MoreIt’s been a long time coming, but finally a Latino superhero gets his time in the spotlight in this DC comics adaptation. Blue Beetle is the latest DCEU outing directed by Angel Manuel Soto and starring Cobra Kai’s Xolo Mariduena in the lead role.…
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