Written by Andrea Morales
Traveling doesn’t have to be super expensive to be enjoyable! Take a break and explore what the world offers without breaking the bank. We have gathered some tips to help our fellow nomads in their travels:
Pre-trip Planning:
Planning everything ahead of time is crucial. Setting a budget for food, transportation, drinks, accommodation, etc., will help you keep tabs on how much money you’re spending so you don’t go overboard.
Always research the place you want to visit, check for the climate at the time of year that you want to see, the local currency (in the case that you’re visiting a foreign country), how you’ll be moving around (taxis, Uber, public transport, etc.) and make a list of the places that you’re most interested in visiting and find out how much they cost.
Always (and we mean always) be prepared in case something goes wrong. Having flexibility is something not most of us consider when traveling, but It could save you lots of time and money.
Set up Google Alerts for cheap flights to your desired destination. Google will research the whole internet and send you emails when prices drop or rise. Try to book months in advance to save money on tickets!
Sometimes hotels can really take up a bunch of your traveling budget. Consider staying at hostels, guesthouses, homestays, or even Airbnb (even though sometimes it’s more expensive than a hotel, there are still cheap accommodations on Airbnb, you just have to look for them).
If you’re traveling somewhere more adventurous, consider camping in nature. Be sure to follow all local laws while camping and stay in safe places. Some locations have specific areas where travelers can set up their camping sites for a reasonable price or even for free. Be sure to research and call ahead to make sure it fits your budget and needs.
Look up the location’s public transport routes to save a lot of money on transportation. It will even let you live the actual local experience! Cities like Mexico City, New York City, London, etc. have a great public transport system that is easy to understand. If you get lost, check your map app! In some cities, apps like Apple Maps or Google Maps will show you how to reach your desired destination via public transportation straightforwardly and clearly.
Try walking or cycling if you can! This way, you’ll get to know the city uniquely and more personally.

Research local food markets, street food stalls, and affordable local restaurants. These are great options for budget travelers and will get you the ultimate local experience! Ask locals what are their go-to places for local food and go there: you won’t regret it!
Sightseeing and Activities:
Sightseeing is one of the cheapest activities you can do while traveling. Visit locations with iconic architecture, like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, or those surrounded by nature, like the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and Niagara Falls.
Be sure to research beforehand and take advantage of discounted tickets or special offers.
Money-saving Tips:
Try avoiding peak tourist seasons and visit destinations during shoulder seasons.
Use a travel rewards program and credit card perks to maximize savings.
Exchange your money into the local currency and save on unnecessary bank and exchange fees.
Cultural Immersion:
Attend local festivals, visit markets, and participate in community events to really get a sense of the culture. Don’t fall for tourist traps! Interact with local community members and learn about their customs and traditions.
Safety and Security:
Remember: being safe is worth every penny! Don’t stay or visit shady neighborhoods just because they’re cheap; research local customs and laws. We encourage having travel insurance for unforeseen emergencies.
We love to travel, but it’s always better to save money while doing so! We encourage you to confidently embark on your own budget travel adventures and enjoy!
If you have any more tips on saving money while traveling, be sure to comment here; we love to see them!