Productive Responsibility

If I give you 10 million dollars to spend on whatever you want, I think you would have no problem finishing that money within a year, indeed, some of you could do it in up to 30 days.…

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Going to Mexico is always a fun idea. You can go to the dentist, get a haircut, and eat an amazing gourmet meal for pennies on the dollar if you were to do that in the United States.…

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Binational Investments in Real Estate

Binational real estate refers to properties or real estate projects that are jointly owned or developed by individuals or companies from two different countries. It can involve cross-border investments, partnerships, or collaborations in the real estate sector.…

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Ways to create passive income

As passive as it may sound, ‘Passive’ income is the money you make with little or no effort. It is like making the initial effort to open a water tap; the water (money, in this case) keeps flowing by itself. To further increase the cash flow, you may put in…

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What is Inflation and Why Should I Care?

In the past, it takes one apple a day to keep the doctor away, now, it still takes one but for the price of five. It’s so hard to think that we are now living in the Land of Funny Money – where the price of goods increases while wages…

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